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With PDFBookmarks you can easily manage the bookmarks in your PDF-files. PDFBookmarks can automatically generate entries by scanning the text in the PDF-file, but you can also manually edit all existing entries. The bookmarks are stored as meta-data which is natively supported by the PDF standard. The bookmarks you create with PDFBookmarks will therefore work in any ordinary PDF-reader.

● Scan text of PDF to generate bookmark entries for each headline
● modify list of auto-generated toc-entries by specifying a minimal font-size
● change destination of toc entries using drag & drop or by specifying page numbers
● create bookmarks from selected text
● copy+paste text from the PDF
● manually edit toc entries: add, remove, rename, rearrage, etc.
● modify existing toc entries in your PDF

Please beware of the following restrictions:
● The quality of the auto-generated toc-entries depends on the internal structure of the PDF and may vary from file to file.
● PDFBookmarks has no OCR functionality. If your PDF consists of scanned images, PDFBookmarks will not be able to auto-generate toc-entries.
● Reading and saving PDF files is implemented using PDF-routines provided by Mac OS X (as for example in the Preview-App). As Preview doesnt use the latest PDF-standard to save PDFs, the file size of the PDF may increase.

Please contact me if you find bugs or if you have problems using the app! Thank you.